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Creamy Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls (Pitaya Bowls)

Dragon fruit smoothie bowl with fruit

Pitaya is another name for Dragon Fruit. The pitaya bowls are a lot like frozen yogurt because they are cold, smooth and sweet. Nevertheless pitayas are actually packed with antioxidant ingredients and are 100% natural. The next time you get a craving for ice cream or for a frozen yogurt, try one of pitaya bowls instead. We promise — you will feel much better!


The only problem with buying the bowls in cafes or restaurants is that they are not cheap. Making them at home is a great solution to save some coins and to expand your cooking skills. Add a little liquid and use your food processor to make a thick – ice cream like bowl, or add more liquid for a smoothie.

Try out this creamy pitaya smoothie bowl!

Basic ingredients:

  • 1 cup sliced banana
  • 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup sliced mango
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal


  1. Put yogurt, banana, avocado, mango, oatmeal and Red Dragon Fruit Powder in a blender and grind for about 30 seconds. Squish all the unfolded ingredients until a well-mixed creamy consistency is obtained.

  2. Pour the mixture into two bowls and top it off with some fresh fruit, berries, hemp seeds, granola, chia seeds, pomegranate seeds, linseeds or fresh pitaya. Enjoy!

*The powder can also be added more for a more intense color.

An energizing and exotic pitaya breakfast bowl tastes great. It is a popular breakfast choice among kids and adults. Dragon fruit has a delicious balance of tropical flavors with spicy nuances. The beauty of pink will be a great addition to your #Instafoodie photos.

Want to make a perfect creamy pitaya smoothie bowl? Try our Red Dragon Fruit Powder or Red Pitaya And Blueberry Powder!


Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls (Pitaya Bowls)

Want the perfect breakfast, snack, or dessert? Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls got it covered. It is no surprise that The Pitaya Bowls have gained popularity in juice shops.


Coconut Chia Dragon Fruit Smoothie Jars

Only 5 ingredients to brighten up your morning! These Coconut Chia Dragon Fruit Smoothie Jars will be a pleasant start to your day with the pretty pink hue of the pitaya. This smoothie jar will leave you happy and satisfied for hours!

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